
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Night Reads

Night Reads is officially open for submissions! Some of you who have been following me on Twitter might have heard about this project that I am working on. So far I have done 1 test run and am preparing to do another in the near future. This super secret project has been in the works for a few months now. I'm hoping to make it a semi-weekly ritual to summon an elder dragon's spirit that will haunt the people who cancelled Firefly.

The idea behind Night Reads is for me to perform a live reading on Periscope. Periscope is a live video broadcasting app for Android of iOS. You can check it out here: For this to be successful I am going to need content. I will occasionally read my own work, but most of the time I want to read yours. The purpose of this is to promote writers and help readers find the new, strange, and wonderful worlds those writers have created. I hope this will also give fans of the works being read a chance to connect and enjoy the selection all over again, and go SQUEEEEEEE!

If you are interested in signing up this is going to be set up on a first come first serve basis. Readings will be scheduled out 1 month in advance. This will give me a chance to take a week off here and there if I get too busy. I don't want to have to cancel last minute on anyone. The live readings will be on Saturday or Sunday nights at 9 or 10 PM EST. The video will be posted on YouTube within a week of the broadcast. I hope to reduce that down to a day or two. Suggestions are always welcome. The process is still new, so if I mess something up, I will try to do better next time! <3

Submission Guidelines

These are not set in stone yet and they may change over time. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I recommend including all of these things within your submissions. If you leave out a required field then I will delete the submission. Anything not labeled as required below is optional.
  • Author name / Pen name (required)
  • Title of the work (required)
  • Genre (required) - example: Romance, SciFi, Fantasy, etc.
  • Audience (required) - example: Young Adult, Middle Grade, Adult, etc.
  • Purchase link (required)
  • Copy of the cover graphic or picture of the book - This will be resized to about 400 pixels in height (required)
  • Author Headshot - This will be resized to about 400 pixels in height
  • Your website and/or the website for the book
  • 500 (or less) word summary
  • Author Bio
  • Link to your favorite 1-3 social media profiles (at least 1 required)
  • Reading selection(s) - A selection of 2500 to 6000 words in length from your work. I don't want your entire manuscript, just the portion you want me to read. This can be broken up into 2-3 selections from the same work if you like. Please include where each selection comes from using page number or chapter number to help everyone get a sense of where we are. If the selection requires some explanation then it may be better to choose another selection. Please submit submissions in .pdf or .doc file formats. I'm not going to try to decipher formats that are difficult to read. (required
All submissions can be sent by email to Please put "Submission:" and your work's title in the Subject line of your email.

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