
Sunday, March 30, 2014


Hello everyone! I'm a bit late with this blog post due to technical difficulties that I'm sure no one cares about. It's OK. I made it through the dungeon and killed the ogre that was there. This week I want to briefly talk about Pitmad. A few of my writer friends participated in the event, and some of them got responses. I have been on a roll lately with rewrites on my novel. I'm going to make this short, so I can get back to that.

What is Pitmad?

Pitmad is a pitch party on twitter where authors can pitch their completed manuscripts to agents and publishers using #pitmad. This event is scheduled to happen every 3 to 6 months from what I understand.

The Rules: 

The Pitch

You only have 140 characters to wow the agents and publishers, so you have to make it count. They want you to limit your tweets to 2 per hour, so you only get 2 variations on the pitch that you can present. Trimming your book down to 140 characters can be challenging to say the least. I thought writing a blurb would difficult, but this seems like a monumental task. Good Luck!

The Aftermath

If you get a favorite from a publisher or agent then it's time to get to work on a query letter. Before that you should check out the publisher or agent to see if you want to work with them. They should also be tweeting what their submission guidelines are to make it easier. Just because they liked your pitch and you sent a query doesn't mean they are going to accept your book.

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